Plant Facts

Calathea amabilis

Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z
  • Name - Pronounced kal-A-thee-a. It is also known as Stromanthe or Ctenanthe amabilis.
  • Description - Calathea amabilis is much admired for its beautiful oval, strikingly patterned leaves.
  • Origin - Tropical America
  • Family - Marantaceae
  • Care Tips - It grows best in a warm, bright and draught-free location but not in direct sunlight. Water it moderately and feed it with half strength solution regularly in the summer. Keep the humidity high by mist spraying frequently. With proper care it will live for many years.
  • Trivia - In South Africa they use Calathea for food, medicine, roofing and basket weaving!

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    Calathea amabilis