Plant Facts

Pteris cretica

Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z
  • Name - Pronounced as te-RIS CRE-tee-ca. Its common name is Cretan brake fern.
  • Description - This robust fern forms clumps of striped fronds and each frond is hand-shaped, with the individual pinnae (sections of a divided leaf) looking like fingers. It can grow to 35cm/over 1ft, in height with a similar spread.
  • Origin - Tropical and subtropical regions
  • Family - Polypodiaceae
  • Varieties - There are about 280 Pteris species found in the tropics and subtropics. Characteristic of the brakes are the bush-like fronds which arise from short, underground rhizomes. They grow upright first and then bend, pointing their tips downwards. Pteris cretica has either fertile (curly leaf edge) or sterile (serrated) fronds on long black stems.
  • Care Tips - Warm and shady position. High humidity is important so mist regularly. It can be immersed in water at regular intervals. Feed once a month with half-strength liquid fertiliser.
  • Trivia - Mixes well with other plants, especially if placed at the front of plant grouping to hide the pot.

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    Pteris cretica