Plant Facts

Sarracenia (Pitcher plant)

Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z

  • Name - Sarracenia's (pronounced sarra-SEEN-ee-a) name comes from the first person to describe the purple pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea, Dr. Michel Sarrazin (1659-1734), botanist, zoologist & Quebec's first surgeon.
  • Description - They are carnivorous bog plants consisting of pale green tubes streaked with purple each with a fringed cap. The pitchers hold water which drown the flies which are attracted.
  • Family - Sarraceniaceae
  • Origin - Mostly from southern USA but some further north and in Canada.
  • Care Tips - They need very bright light and temperatures of 15° to 32°C (60° - 90°F) and extremely high humidity. Plant in a water-holding medium, which is kept wet at all times, ideally with long fibred sphagnum moss added. Always use soft water (ideally rainwater).

  • Sarracenias