Plant Facts

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z
  • Name - Pronounced klo-ro-FY-tum (from the Greek chloros, green, and phyton, a plant) and commonly known as Spider plant.
  • Description - The original 60s retro-plant, it has narrow leaves with either a cream centre or cream edges. It produces 'babies': rosettes of leaves on long stems which appear as independent plants with aerial roots that can be taken off and grown separately.
  • Origin - South Africa
  • Family - Liliaceae
  • Care Tips - It is sensitive to overwatering so allow the compost to dry out a little between waterings. Give the plant plenty of humidity in the form of misting or the leaf tips will turn brown. Place in bright light or semi-shade, in a well-ventilated position or, in the summer, even outside, but away from direct sunlight. Temperatures not above 18°C/64°F in summer or below freezing in winter. Feed weekly from early spring to late summer. Chlorophytum is a quick grower and the parent plant may need repotting twice a year.
  • Trivia - Spider plants have the ability to clean the air. They take in and metabolise atmosphere pollutants and use them as food, thus reducing or eliminating some toxins. They are particularly good at removing carbon monoxide (car fumes), formaldehyde and nitrogen from the air.

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