Plant Facts


Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z
  • Name - Pronounced strep-toe-KAR-pus, otherwise known as Cape primrose.
  • Description - There are innumerable Cape primrose hybrids with orchid-like or funnel-shaped flowers, some of which have a striped throat or ruffled margins. Their leaves are stalkless, wrinkled and grow in a rosette. Streptocarpus wendlandii, however, has only one giant leaf with a purplish red underside and little funnel-shaped flowers.
  • Origin - South Africa, tropical Africa, Madagascar, Thailand and Burma
  • Colours - White, blue, purple, pink and red.
  • Family - Gesneriaceae
  • Varieties - Many hybrids have appeared and this one is Streptocarpus wendlandii. There are smaller hybrids like the blue to lavender-flowered Streptocarpus saxorum which can be used as a hanging plant.
  • Care Tips - Bright to semi-shade position. Room temperature all year round. Keep it moist but do not let it stand in water or wet the leaves. Water less in winter.
  • Trivia - Easy to propagate and almost any piece will root in warm, shaded conditions.

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    Streptocarpus wenlandii